Conversations with work people

All of this happened a few days ago.

Like all nine to fivers, I find entertainment in avoiding work and mocking other people’s shit.

Case in point: Ghost in a Jar

Here’s an e-conversation with Miguel on that subject and my answers:

> Just off the top of my head…
> 1) Would you really pose something like “Ghost in a Jar” on top of
> what looks to be a plastic bucket in order to take pictures?

adds to the ghostly ambience

> 2) UPS will deliver spirits but the postal service won’t?

the usps doesn’t believe or condone the otherwordly plane.. they distance themselves accordingly

> 3) How does UPS feel about transporting otherworldly mysteries?

UPS is pagan oriented and fully supports the netherworlds nefarious activities.

> 4) Was the “transparency” feature in Photoshop the first feature they
> learned to use, or did they learn to use it after they came across an old
> head stoen and an idea to sell a $5 jar?

After. ‘Black thing’ hauntings make you learn graphics and marketing potetnials

> 5) If the “Black Thing” is the ghost they claim is in the jar, why don’t they just >drop it too? Doesn’t seem that the first jar is a problem.

……….err….mmm…. beware the ‘Black Thing!!!!’

Reminder: All questions and answers should be read with a sense of humor fully installed.