What were you doing 4 years ago? Were you telling stories to your three year old about far off lands where every dragon meets his timely doom and every damsel is relieved of her distress? Were you waiting the beginning of a long and controversial occupation(see: war)? Were you trading dangerous kisses with dodgy women in dark alleys?
Four years ago, I didn’t have such grandiose plans. Four years ago, I started this noise. That’s right. This thing here: www.groonk.net .
I’ve mentioned, time and again, that this space worked two-fold.
1) It was to hold all the things I find interesting in the news or on the intertubes. This was to be my extra-memory. There wouldn’t be need for megabytes of bookmarks and I would be able to access it from any web-fed computer.
2) It was to force myself to write things down. Some things. Any things. If I was too skittish(see: scared) to share fiction, the least I could do was get in the habit of writing. The habit would grow muscle. The muscle would become talent. The talent would cause the rains to fall, turn Pepsi to Guinness, and, for the most part, help me work out my inner thoughts into a coherent, readable mass. I figured it was too much to hope the thoughts be enjoyable as well.
Baby steps.
In many ways, my plan worked. In others it failed. But it continues regardless. Fuck the naysayers and all the ones who don’t “get it.” Let them scratch their heads and not give any damns. The time for me is now and that now-time says to continue and to grow.
Four years on the internet is like 9 years in human time. Nine years comes around and you start pulling things out of closets and shoving weighty thighs and bellies into decades old fabric. Why does one do this? I’ve no clue.
I figure what’s good enough for meat and bones is good enough for the digital stream. You are currently sliding a leg into version 1 of www.groonk.net . It’s a bit trimmer than version 2. Blame the expanse on that liquid crack they call venti carmel lattes.
I’m gone for a week to visit home. For that week I return GNET version 1 to its home(the rest of the site remains blubbery and slightly whiter than usual).
It’s an odd thing to wear, this first outfit that protected me from the cold, cold internet. But I think these jeans still fit rather nicely. The mirror wouldn’t lie to me.
Would it?