Cory Doctorow posted this on BoingBoing today. This strikes me as good read.
Live Without a Net is Lou Anders’ new anthology of science fiction stories about technological worlds that lack the Internet. When I was invited to the anthology, I balked. I’d just sold a story on this theme and I couldn’t imagine writing another without getting all reactionary and soppy about the horrors of being a net.addict.
But the better stories in this book prove me wrong. The standouts, like Paul Di Fillipo’s Clouds and Cold Fires, Charlie Stross’s Rogue Farm, Rudy Rucker’s Frek in the Grullo Woods (an outtake from his brilliant forthcoming novel Frek and the Magic Elixir), and John Meaney’s The Swastika Bomb are anything but predictable and trite. Rather, they’re wildly imaginative, thoughtful, and thought-provoking looks at a subject that is nearly unthinkable: a future free from the Internet
(via boingboing.)