I'm Filled with H.A.T.E.

Weeks ago the “comics blogosphere” went nutty with an in-joke banner meme thing. When I saw this one…

civil what39.jpg
(first seen on warren ellis)

…I knew I had to participate. Tonight, weeks after the bit cooled down and long after the momentum was lost, I threw together a few. I’m slow. I know it. Shut up.

“Civil What?” immediately brought this to mind:

Instead of making the little banner thingies(as seen on Marvel Civil War’s wiki site), I went all out and mocked the original comic covers. Most of which are simple, brilliant bits of graphic design.

A clutch of other Civil War spoofs in proper banner form are on Jinxworld forums. I hear there are more on Penny Arcade, but I never found them.

Throughout the week, I’ll drop a couple more…maybe.

By the way, you should be putting Nextwave in your brainNOW!