Who is Groonk?

I am Groonk. The owner and sole operator of everything Groonk (except for those folks at groonk.com. I’ve no idea who those cats are).

Groonkly Bits may feature some ramblings or tweetings from my lifestream. It will also focus on new sites, comics I’ve read, movies I’ve loved(or loathed), TV that’s been watched, etc, that was found while walking the wildways of the Internets. I sometimes still annoy my friends by emailing this stuff but now I get to annoy the entire world just by clicking my mouse.

The Internets is indeed a miracle device.

Below I’ve attempted to answer any questions you may have. This list is damn near as old as the site so bear with me as I work hard to update everything. I am only on guy after all.

What are Groonkly Bits?
Groonkly Bits are thoughts, notes, movie bitchings and upcoming projects. It’s a bit random but then again so am I.

Do you realize ‘Bits’ is sometimes slang for dangley parts?

What is a Newsmine?
I first saw it mentioned on Warren Ellis’s site Die Puny Humans (now know as http://warrenellis.com/ ). Basically it is articles and photos that I post for my amusement or to horde away when I need an idea-jumpstart.

How do you find all this crap?
Newsletters. Friends. Idle searching. Intentional searching. Too much time on my hands. Take your pick.

Can I search your site?
It’s a free country, at least where I live. Some times search engines don’t put you on the page with the exact information you need. Using my search or tags or categories should provide the results you were expecting.

Just how many blogs do you have?
Currently only two:

The Groonk Empire was once very big. Then i whittled it down to near-nothing. Plans to raise this once proud Nation are in the works.

How do you pronounce Groonk?
Grrr – oo(as in, ‘oo, look at that, candy!)- nk.

Who or what is Groonk?
It’s a who actually. My Internet Badge. If you think I’d walk around this place without some sort of protection, you’re crazier than they say. Besides, it’s worked well for me for over 7 years so why stop now?

Can I learn Groonk’s real name?
It’s not beyond the realm of the impossible.

Where did Groonk come from?
Waay back in the year 1998, I found this wonderful 2d game called Subspace. I really wanted to play this game and grow up to be big and strong like many geeks before me but in order to do this, I needed a login name.

Let me say this now, i SUCK at picking original login names. I could rack my brain for hours and not figure a new one that 50 others hadn’t figured out before me. but I really wanted to play Subspace in the next 5 minutes.

It just so happened that an X MEN comic was sitting happily on my desk. inside that comic some clever writer, or artist, was parodying all the aliens in scifi for a group shot. You know, in that “it’s not an Alien but a Brood which is totally different from being an Alien cause see they talk and have intelligent malicious intent on universe destroying” type of thing. in that group a hairy mandog-like best was towering over the others. He wore a gunbelt and he screamed, “GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK!” at the top of his lungs.

I knocked a few O’s off. Groonk was born. Go figure it was from a Star Wars reference.

A fellow Subspacer would later tell me that ‘groonk’ means ‘stork’ in Armenian. I’ve not followed up on that report.

Hey, There’s a site out there called groonk.com, is that you too?
Years passed and I missed out on buying http://www.groonk.com ( I don’t recommend you click there. warning over.). some french folk figure a ‘groonk’ is some sort of hairy love-beast. I’ve no fucking clue what that’s about.

Where can I find all the places you virtually inhabit?
The best place for that is: http://www.whoisgroonk.com/
The virtual business card for all things Groonk.