May 1st, 2006
Return of the 80s: Falling on my head like a memory
The 80s have infected my brain. Right now, I’m listening…unashamedly…to every damn 80s song I have in my collection. The Eurythmicsare asking me why I don’t love them anymore. It’s ok, Annie. I still love you. I’m just not in love with you.
Van Halen is jumping about being “Hot for Teacher”.
Level 42, well there’s just something about them.
My 80s music collection would shame many a nerf herder. I could jam in my parachute pants for 19 hours without a repeat. Yet there are so many more songs that I don’t own.
Songs from bands like Full Force and New Edition. Or Laid Back who told me riding white horses was dangerous, while riding white ponies was just fine.(I chose to ride neither.) There are also songs that haven’t made the jump from crummy radio mix-tapes to digital mix-pods. Hell, there are proper albums that still haven’t digi-volved.
I don’t understand why I succumb to these bouts of 80s flu. Those times held nothing truly remarkable for me. My true friends and adventures didn’t come around until college. Yet I still feel nostalgia for that decade of bad hair and excessive me-ness.
I wax nostalgic for the time an actor held the presidency for 8 years and always knew which camera was live. It was his secret power.
The Cold War was fought in the movie theaters. Top Gun, Russkies, and Gotcha! were warning shots fired across its bow.
Nerds had their revenge.
The Schoolhouse rocked!
I played more than my fair share of Mario Bros. on Nintendo:
It was alright. I was…
Teenage romp movies actually had romping. By romping I mean boobies and “downstairs” were plentiful
All I wanted for Christmas was the Autobot Transformer Jetfire.
And I officially became hooked on comics:
If I’m not careful my brain-fever could become terminal.
(Super Mario re-enactment via Dunc!)