Have a Card for Horny Werewolf Day 2011

I decided to throw together a card thing for Horny Werewolf Day 2011.

An explanation to what Horny Werewolf Day is lay below the cut.

Horny Werewolf Day 08

Wishing you all a Happy Horny Werewolf Day.


Don’t act shocked and dismayed. You prude. Horny Werewolf Day has been mentioned before.

Happy Horny Werewolf Day!

I’ve no idea of the truth behind this but:

Always remember: Valentine’s Day is a Christian corruption of a pagan festival involving werewolves, blood and fucking. So wish people a happy Horny Werewolf Day and see what happens.
Warren Ellis, BAD SIGNAL 02-14-2007

Werewolves are not known for their couth