May 27th, 2008
A Time To Watch a Lot of Fictional People Die
Stop trying to please me.
These lists you insist on making in order to fill content on your sites and evoke some kind of reaction(see insane Nerd Wars), at first I found them distasteful. At worse they were lazy and unimaginative. But now you’re showing me things, wonderful things that I can actually agree with. It’s becoming very disturbing. Are you becoming more like me or am I becoming like you?
Please don’t answer this.
I’ll sit back and try not to drown in either possibilty. Instead, I’ll reflect on this list of cinematic death you’ve placed in front of me.
And I’ll call it, ‘good.’
Top 5: Pre-Death Monologues in Film
- Blade Runner: Rutger Hauer Breaks Your Heart
- Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan: Leonard Nimoy Propsers
- Se7en: Kevin Spacey Gets Philosophical About Death
- American Beauty: Kevin Spacey Gets Philosophical About Life
- Deep Blue Sea: Samuel L. Jackson Gets Consumed By The Moment
- True Romance: Dennis Hopper Teaches Genealogy
- The Shawshank Redemption: James Whitmore Gets Busy Dying
PS. It was a tough decision but I believe you can figure out my favorite choice from the list. Although, that Dennis Hopper bit is a damn close second.
Now that you’re done dying, have a little hope.