February 9th, 2009
This time last year, I had the idea of creating the Other Me. The plan was to work it out and show off my new creativity at Dragon Con 2008. Problem was, I could not figure out how to effectively make button eyes. Glasses? Beer Goggles from Spencer’s painted black with little button holes drilled around the edges? Visiting my very own Other Mother and agreeing to her contract?
Nothing clicked.
I figured what I *can* do is amateur lettering and entrance web site graphics(aka splash pages). And so you have this prototype graphic that (currently) greets your eyes.
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February 27th, 2006
Concerning censorship, how does America compare to the UK?
America compares fairly well. You guys have the First Amendment. You have guaranteed freedom of speech. In England, which is where I come from, you don’t.
We have the Official Secrets Act. The Obscene Publications Act and we have a bunch of customs laws on what can be imported into the country, which was actually framed in the 1880s to cover the importation of dangerous and noxious weeds plants and vegetables. and were rephrased…they added the phrase “or literature”.
Which means that customs can not only seize a noxious book. They can seize all the innocent books in that shipment because they were contaminated by the bad book.
You guys have the First Amendment, which is brilliant! You don’t seem entirely comfortable with it. You’re not quite sure how you got it or what to do with it. But now you got it… it is something very precious and very cool and is something to be fought for.
–Neil Gaiman “Live at the Aladdin: An Evening with Neil Gaiman”
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